Glitter Tattoos
This type of tattoo is applied using prosthetic glue (as used in movies) either dabbed over a stencil or drawn onto the skin freehand with a brush, and glitter is applied over the glue to make a dazzling design. These are suitable for age 5 upwards, and take about 3 minutes per design for stencils and up to 5 minutes per design for freehand. These tattoos are designed to stay on for up to a week, and can be difficult to remove during the first 3 days. The glue will degrade gradually and at around 5 days can be soaked in the bath and peeled off. The glitter comes in a huge range of colours including UV.
***NEW*** I have recently acquired a stencil cutting machine! This means I can make custom stencils for your event featuring your own design, such as a company logo or message - make your event unique and memorable for your guests with a tattoo to remind them of it and which they can show to others!
Glitter tattoos can also be drawn freehand!