
A bubble show is great entertainment for all ages at any time of year, whether it is for a 1 hour birthday party or an all day event. Bubbles can be done indoors as well as outside! Bubbleology is the science of bubbles - I have a special recipe that makes super sized bubbles, all kinds of bubble wands for different sizes, cascades, whirlwinds and clouds of bubbles, snowstorm, steam bubbles, foam snowballs, bubble snakes, square bubbles, and even putting children inside bubbles!



Children love to chase bubbles around a park or garden for hours! The best places are large grassy areas with no low trees or trip hazards.  The best weather for bubbles is a day when it is not too hot or windy. They work especially well on cool, damp days, I have even done events in the rain! The raindrops pass straight through the bubbles without popping them. Put the children in waterproof clothes and they will love it!



For indoor parties you and your children can be put inside bubbles, or pose with foam unicorn horns, or pop a smoky steam bubble! There needs to be a large room such as a gym, church hall or dance studio, with a high ceiling and no overhanginging lights or decorations so that I can make the biggest bubbles possible. I will arrive early to set up the room with floor covers so that any drips are contained and tidying up is easy! 


Check out my Instagram account for pictures and videos of me in action!

Click here to make an enquiry or booking

Bubbles made outdoors 

Huge bubble being made in a garden

  Child jumping to pop a bubble

Making giant bubbles in a courtyard

Making enormous bubbles in a courtyard

Kids trying to pop enormous rainbow bubbles in a garden

Children playing with foam cloud of bubbles in a garden

Child running after bubbles in a garden

Making a huge cloud of bubbles in a garden

Child surrounded by bubbles in a garden

Child chasing bubbles in a garden

Indoor bubble party in a school

Indoor bubbles in a restaurant

Square bubble made with smoke

Small girl holding a steam bubble

Blowing a steam bubble

Square bubble with steam inside

Giant rainbow bubbles in the street

Giat rainbow bubbles being popped

Child chasing a giant bubble in a garden

Bubbles inside a bubble

Bubble inside bubbles on a light table